Hawaii Loves Barbie Dolls Museum

Hawaii Loves Barbie Dolls Museum

Barbie and Elvis

Barbie Boat
Yes, it really exists! Who would ever think about going to Hawaii to see Barbie? Well…thousands of people every year do! Nestled in the center of Kailua, Oahu, you can find Hawaii’s largest Barbie Doll collection composed of approximately 5,000 Barbies, her family members and friends plus other dolls such as G.I. Joe.
The Hawaii Loves Barbie Dolls museum is a private collection owned by Florence Marton and is free to the public…but you must call for an appointment. Florence loves showing off her Barbies and will even pick you up at your hotel if you don’t have transportation.

Barbie Slide

Bride Barbie

Original Barbie
You can visit Barbie and Ken dressed in various costumes including those of the seven Polynesian nations: Fiji, Hawaii, The Marquesas, New Zealand, Samoa, Tahiti, and Tonga. Barbie and Ken can be seen modelling various muumuus, pareos, holoku, holomuu, and ancient hula costumes and aloha shirts handmade by Florence Marton.
On display at the Hawaii Loves Barbie Dolls Museum are the number 1 Barbie, International, Limited Edition, Christmas, Porcelain Barbies, miniature Barbies, and even two 6-foot tall Barbies (oh my!!)

Barbie Museum

Various Barbies

Florence Marton
Barbies everywhere! If you’re taking your daughter to Hawaii, be sure to give Florence a call at (808)xxx-xxxx to make an appointment…it’s sure to be one of the fondest memories of your child’s life!
UPDATE: Florence Marton passed away in 2011. Her daughter was going to continue the “Hawaii Loves Barbie Dolls Museum,” but as of July 2016, it remains closed. This webpage will carry the memory.
(NOTE: I visited the Hawaii Loves Barbie Doll Museum in 2000)
Unpaid Propoganda Video From Barbie
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